
Lenny's Drive In, right after a truck rolled into it.
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Police Department
Twinsburg From Above

An aerial photo of Twinsburg in October of 1954.
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Historical Society
Carl Herrick's Door Lock

A piece of wood whittled by Carl Herrick, still used at the greenhouse the Kollman's bought from Herrick in the early 1970s for good luck.
Photograph courtesy of Calvin C. Rydbom
Aerial Photo of Reeves Lake

Photo of a man made lake created in the late 1950s by Leroy F. Reeves, who served as mayor in the early 1970s.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Aerial Photo of Reeves Lake and Vicinity

Aerial photo of Reeves Lake from the late 1950s. It was excavated and created by Leroy F. Reeves who also served as Twinsburg's Mayor in the early 1970s.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Glenwood Acres

Glenwood Acres in the 1958, shortly after residents started living there in 1956. Driveways weren't a necessity yet.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Glenwood Acres

Many people moved into their Glenwood Acres homes before everything was finished. Not everyone had sidewalks even into the 1980s.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Bicentennial Wagon Train

In 1976 Bicentennial Wagon Trains crossed the country in celebration of our 200th Birthday. They made 249 encampments. This one at Reeves Lake in Twinsburg was one of them.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Twinsburg's Band

C. 1930, the Twinsburg Band marches after a performance at the Town Square Bandstand.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Twinsburg Sesquicentennial

Entertainment existed for kids as well as adults.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
1967 Sesquicentennial

Entertaining the crowds during the 150th anniversary of Twinsburg in 1967.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
The Twinsburg Grange Hall

After it was Twinsburg Institute, and before it became the Twinsburg Historical Society, the Twinsburg Grange met in this historical building.
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Historical Society
The Twinsburg Grange Hall

The Grange, which is an agricultural based fraternal order, was deeded this building in 1917. It was then deeded to the Historical Society in 1965.
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Historical Society
Twinsburg Masonic Hall

Located on the SW corner of Rte. 82 and 91, the building was so close to the road it was felt for years a vehicle crashing into it was simply a matter of time. Which they did.
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Historical Society
Dr. Glen Chamberlin as a boy

The Chamberlin family served the medical needs of Twinsburg for decades.
Courtesy of the Bissell family.
E.J. McCreery's Store and Dr. Chamberlin?

While this is claimed to be a picture of Dr. R.B. Chamberlin driving one of the first cars in Twinsburg, the truth is lost to time.
Courtesy of the Bissell family.
TP&R 444

Pulled out for the children to ride in for years during Twinsburg's special events, to many people's chagrin the train's whereabouts are unknown.
Courtesy of the Bissell family.
Corbett's Farm

The sun sets on Corbett's Farm in more ways than one, as they tore down these building within a week of this picture being taken.
Courtesy of T.J. Powell
Corbett's Farm

When these photos were taken the house was already torn down and they had started demolishing the barn.
Courtesy of T.J. Powell
Corbett's Farm

The tearing down of the farm for a housing development had already begun when these photos were taken.
Courtesy of T.J. Powell
1979 Old Thyme Fayre program

The program cover for the second Old Time Fayre, held September 15 & 16, 1979.
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Historical Society.
Twinsburg Bandstand

The Twinsburg Bandstand, once located in the Square, c. 1930.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
Twinsburg Bandstand

The Twinsburg Bandstand in c. 1930. The band leader is believed to be future mayor Leroy F. Reeves
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
The Kollman's Cow

The cow has been a fixture, and comon site, while passing Kollman's Greenhouse while heading towards the Square.
Photograph courtesy of Calvin C. Rydbom.
Herrick's Greenhouse Bombing

Carl Herrick, greenhouse owner and operator, stands a few feet away from where a stick of dynamite ripped through his greenhouse,
Courtesy of the Twinsburg Bulletin.
Lake Plata

Compared to today's water parks Lake Plata was a study in simplicity, offering very few water slides of diving boards.
Photograph courtesy of Dale Diersing.
Sesquicentennial in 1967

These kids might not have know the significance of the celebration, but I bet they had fun.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Sesquicentennial Jail

It seems fake arrests were a big part of the Sesquicentennial.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Sesquicentennial Jail

Even future mayors, such as Leroy F. Reeves, weren't safe from the long arm of the Sesquicentennial police.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Herrick Road in the 1940s

Quite a bit has changed since this 1942 Chevy drove down Herrick Rd.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1957 Aerial Views of Twinsburg

With Reeves Lake as the subject, this series of aerial photos where taken of of Twinsburg in 1957.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Christmas 1950

Twinsburg residents have taken snow storms in stride over the past 100 years. This 1950 storm was simply an opportunity to celebrate Christmas.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1957 Aerial Views of Twinsburg.

With Reeves Lake as the subject, this series of aerial photos where taken of of Twinsburg in 1957.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1957 Aerial Views of Twinsburg

With Reeves Lake as the subject, this series of aerial photos where taken of of Twinsburg in 1957.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1957 Aerial Views of Twinsburg

With Reeves Lake as the subject, this series of aerial photos were taken of of Twinsburg in 1957.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Glenwood Acres, Spring 1958

Even it's smallest residents pitched in during the establishment of Glenwood Acres.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Glenwood Acres, June 1958

Glenwood Acres was the ultimate in D.I.Y. According to this family, they built their garage in 8 hours.
Courtesy of Leroy. B. Reeves.
A 1963 Twinsburg Cub Scout pack

Much like most of small town America, scouts played a large part in the lives of Twinsburg youth.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves
1963 Cub Scout Meeting

While they may be hard to recognize, these boys made up a Twinsburg Cub Scout Pack in 1963.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1964 Cub Scout Meeting

Taken in the fall of 1964, the Cub Scouts seemed to be having some sort of costume contest.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
A Scout Procession from 1967

From March of 1967, local scouts are parading through the streets of Twinsburg.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
A Group of Twinsburg Girl Scouts

From October of 1967, this group of Twinsburg Girl Scouts were visiting Camp Ledgewood, a local Girl Scout Camp.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Twinsburg's Girl Scout Leaders in 1968.

A group photo of the local women who led in mentored Twinsburg Girl Scouts in 1968. It was taken during Scout Leader Fun Day.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1968 Girl Scout Procession

Twinsburg Girl Scouts marching during the 1968 Memorial Day celebration.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1968 Boy Scout Procession

The Twinsburg Boy Scouts marching during the 1968 Memorial Day celebration.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
1971 Snow Storm

There are snowstorms from Twinsburg's History spoken of with awe and reverence. But the area seems to have gotten buried regularly if this photo from 1971 can be believed.
Courtesy of Leroy B. Reeves.
Ripley's Believe it or Not!! From 1962

Twinsburg's first appearance in Ripley's was this celebration of the WIlcox's brothers oddly parallel lives. Some Twinsburg children remember it being on classroom walls in the 1960s.
@ 2017 Ripley Entertainment Inc.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! from 1993

The second time Twinsburg graced the panels of the iconic strip it was in celebration of the Twins Day Parade.
@ 2017 Ripley's Entertainment Inc.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! from 2013

Twinsburg's third appearance in Ripley's involved Mark Blumenthal's very talented Irish Water Spaniel.
@2017 Ripley's Entertainment Inc.
The 1913 Flood

Certain areas of our region have been susceptible to flooding over the years, and this image from 1913 shows, Twinsburg is no exception.
Courtesy of The Bissell Family.
Shaker Day Camp

Howard Moritz opened the Shaker Day Camp in Shaker Heights before moving it to Twinsburg in 1941.
Courtesy of The Historical Society Facebook page,
Shaker Day Camp in Twinsburg

After moving from Shaker Heights to Twinsburg in 1941 the camp kept the name Shaker Day Camp. At the time part of Twinsburg has a Hudson zip code, which explains why it had a Hudson address.
Courtesy of The Historical Society Facebook page,
Cannon Road.

Alice Hoon's painting of Cannon Road and Rt. 14 by the old Tinkers Creek bridge. The white building with the truck in front was the Cross Roads Drive In
Courtesy of Larry Hoon.
Herman Skolnik

Skolnik served as the "Town Crier" during Twins Days, and also as Santa Claus at the Twinsburg Banking Company.
Courtesy of The Historical Society Facebook page.
Ronnie's Pizza

While not the best picture, its clearly the popular pizza joint
Courtesy of The Historical Society Facebook page,
Twinburg Public Library in 1961-1962

During a new library's construction, this was the temporary home of the library.
Courtesy of The Historical Society Facebook page.
Rabish Farmhouse

The Rabish Farm was on Rt. 82 across the street from the entrance to the former Chrysler Stamping Plant. The house was built in 1859. The farm house sat on 108 acres with another 57 acres across the street which including a 40-acre apple orchard. It still stands after being moved to Chamberlin Road,
Courtesy of The Historical Society Facebook page,

A view of Maunders Pond from the island behind artist Alice Hoon;s house
Courtesy of Larry Hoon.
Children Playing at Maunders Pond

Larry and Nancy Hoon on the bridge connecting to the island on Maunders Pond.
Courtesy of Larry Hoon.
Maple Drive Looking Towards The Square

From 1968, another Alice Hoon painting, you can see the Congregational Church on the right.
Courtesy of Larry Hoon.
Mt. Olive Baptist Church

The Mt. Olive Baptist Church before the 1970 additions.
Courtesy of Mt. Olive Baptist Church.